In order to build an XP environment, I will start with Control Version System. I choose Subversion CVS because have sufficient maturity, good integration with Eclipse via Subclipse, and I have experience using it at my job.
Instalando Subversion en Debian
Con el fin de construirme mi propio entorno XP, voy a empezar por un Sistema de Control de Versiones. He elegido Subversion por su madurez, buena integración con Eclipse via Subclipse, y por que tengo experiencia usándolo en mi trabajo. Packaging your apps
IZPACK: OpenSource product which you can use to package and automate installs in your client’s computers.
- Cross-platform: it is Java; you only needs the JVM on the client.
- Translations: installation in some languages.
- Uninstaller: make the uninstall script at the same time.
- License: Warn for license type on installation.
No more zip packages with README.txt, if you want somebody automated your software installation.