Gengo: WordPress multilingual plugin

Searching for the way to internazinalice this blog, I found GENGO; it is a cool WordPress plugin, that makes multilingual your blog.
This can be useful to translate your posts to various languages, or to publish a blog with other languages and countries people.

Gengo 0.9 have the following features:

  • Using all languages you can.
  • Publishing posts in any language you set.
  • Totally uninstalling posibility (Data base level).
  • Gouping posts as translations of others.
  • Translatig categories and Snipplets.


  1. Strongly recommended make a backup of your database, due to the installation wil modify th database to support Gengo’s features.
  2. Download the klast version of file form web or directly; I am installing 0.9 version.
  3. Copy the directory /gengo to the plugins directory of your blog: wp-content/plugins/. Be carefull with the permissions.
  4. Copy the spanish translation file in /wp-content/plugins/gengo/
  5. Activate the plugin at Plugin screen.
  6. Add all languages that you need in Gengo administration screen. First, add your blog default language.


In the Gengo administration tab, we have any subtabs:

  • Languages: Here we set all the languages which we would use in our blog.
  • Translations: We have defined the posts translation groups.
  • Sinonyms: Translation of categories and snipplets.
  • Exclusions: Filter where we can define which URLs we do not want Gengo puts the language tags.

In the edition screen we have an AJAX widget to manage Gengo:


We can use it to set the post language, and the Translation Group if we nweed.

This is an example of Translation Group, my first post:

Finally, we have the function library for the templates, which we can add Gengo funcionality in our WordPress theme: gengo_template_functions.php.

My contribution to Gengo: Spanish translation

Allways is a pleasure collab with open source coders, thanking the advantages that they give us. Then I will make the Spanish translation.

With the poEdit software (a file translation editoreditor with extension .po), open the gengo.pot file as “New catalog from POT file…”, then we can translate.

Here you can download translation files:

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