Tag Archives: application server

Setting up a Tomcat in your AMI

I love Java and Object Oriented Paradigm, and I was looking for an option to develop Java apps in the cloud in a cheap way. The cheaper, light and non-restrictive way to do this is installing Tomcat in an AmazonWS Linux-AMI. You can do great applications in Tomcat with Spring/JPA/JSF2, but this architecture deserves another post.

Well, I want to show you how to configure Tomcat to deploy web applications in a basic-AMI (It’s free the first year):

  • Configuring memory heap
  • Provide gzip compression for the web contents
  • Two ways to redirect to port 80
  • And, if you use maven, deploying remotely with cargo

Continue reading Setting up a Tomcat in your AMI

Puesta a punto de Google App Engine

Voy a ver como instalar el plugin de GAE en mi Eclipse, y a hacer y subir mi primera aplicación sencilla para ver como gestiona el ciclo de vida básico de las aplicaciones dicho plugin.

Nos basaremos en el paquete Eclipse Galileo R2 para JEE projects de 64 bits. Y en el Google Plugin for Eclipse, que soporta las tecnologías GWT y GAE, en su versión para Galileo.

Instalar Eclipse es inmediato, se descarga y se descomprime en la carpeta que gustemos. Luego lo ejecutamos.

Para instalar el plugin de Google, Help > Install New Software … > Add, añadimos la url  Google Plugin for Eclipse for Galileo. E instalamos el plugin y las dos SDK.

Creamos la aplicación Web File > New > Web Application Project:

Creating project

Para probarla en modo local, en el menú conextual Debug As > Web Application. Así vemos como se debuguea la aplicación con el debuger de Eclipse de forma normal.

Para desplegarla en el servidor tenemos que tener cuenta en https://appengine.google.com,  y crear un ID (pe: firstapp-lebrijo). Este lo introduciremos a través del menú contextual Google > App Engine Settings… De esta forma Eclipse sabrá donde desplegarla cuando hagamos Google > Deploy to App Engine.

Tengo mi primera aplicación en: http://firstapp-lebrijo.appspot.com/

My First GAE App

Begining with app engine

Here we are going to see how to install GAE plug-in in Eclipse, and to make and deploy my first basic application, in order to see how to manage the life deployment cycle this plug-in.

We will base in the Eclipse Galileo R2 for JEE projects on 64 bits package. And Google Plugin for Eclipse, which supports the GWT and GAE technologies, in Galileo version.

Eclipse installation is easy, download and unzip where you want. Then we execute it.

To install Google plug-in, Help > Install New Software … > Add, add the url Google Plugin for Eclipse for Galileo. And install Eclipse and both SDKs.

Create the application in Web File > New > Web Application Project:

Creating project

To test it in local mode, in the contextual menu choose Debug As > Web Application. Then we can how to debug an application with the usual eclipse debugger.

To deploy in the server we must enter in https://appengine.google.com, and create an ID (pe: firstapp-lebrijo). We configure it through the contextual menu Google > App Engine Settings… Then Eclipse knows where deploy it when we do Google > Deploy to App Engine.

I have my first application in: http://firstapp-lebrijo.appspot.com/

My First GAE App