Tag Archives: Eclipse

Fizz Buzz Java kata

At XPWeek2011 we learned TDD coding, and the importance of OOP principles to develop applications. I spent great days there, thanks to Carlos Ble and iExpertos.

Continuing with the last kata series. I will show you how I solved FizzBuzz kata, maybe not the best, but I like the solution because the expressive final code:

  • elseSayNumber();

Here you have KataFizzBuzz

Here you have the code: fizzbuzz.zip

And here you have the video:

Creating a basic JSF View: Hello World!!

In a previous project we saw how to create a Weblogic basic web project. Based on this we will create a very basic view with JSF.

JSF has some advantages:

  • Clean Cross browsing: we can forget styles and javascript, and navigator sigularities.
  • Encapsulates the view components
  • It is XML, then is text, then is always editable.
  • Standards based = XHTML + JavaScript + JSP + Java (JEE5+)
  • Some libraries (oracle-ADF, richfaces, icefaces) allow Rich Inernet Applications development.

Continue reading Creating a basic JSF View: Hello World!!

Creando una vista básica de JSF: Hello World!!

Veíamos en un post anterior como crear un proyecto básico para Weblogic. A partir de este vamos a crear una vista muy básica con JSF.

JSF tiene varias ventajas:

  • Cross browsing limpio: nos permite abstraernos de javascript y los estilos, y las peculiaridades de cada navegador
  • Encapsula en componentes la vista
  • Es xml de forma que es editable siempre
  • Basado en estándares = XHTML + JavaScript + JSP + Java (JEE5+)
  • Algunas librerías (oracle-ADF, richfaces, icefaces) permiten el desarrollo de Rich Inernet Applications

Continue reading Creando una vista básica de JSF: Hello World!!