We want that our NUT sends a shutdown order when there is not suply and the battery goes down. But it could be useful too to shut down a Cybertheque computers, computer classroom, ….
Continue reading Shuting down a Windows system from a Linux one
We want that our NUT sends a shutdown order when there is not suply and the battery goes down. But it could be useful too to shut down a Cybertheque computers, computer classroom, ….
Continue reading Shuting down a Windows system from a Linux one
Queremos que nuestro NUT mande una orden de apagado cuando no haya corriente y se acabe la batería. Pero podría ser útil apagando los ordenadores automaticamente los ordenadores en un Ciberteca, aula de ordenadores, ….
In a previouspost we saw how to install NUT to administer an UPS.
Now we will see how monitoring the function through Apache server. Over Debian Etch. Continue reading Web monitoring of an UPS with NUT