We have the purpose to define some architectures for web application development. To do this we ar going to base in a extremely easy example, which help us to see how to develop with the choosen technologies and how to integrate them.
For a develeoper is e¡very important to see somthing runs ever it is very easy. After he can marchal the own application complexity.
Title: Courses Certificates
Definition: Application which will certificate the finished course by a person in our academy, school.lebrijo.com.
- Through a form the user be able to ask for the certificates by a NIF (Spanish Fiscal Identify number).
- Through a Web Service , third applications be able to check how many courses a person has finished with a NIF.
- It will generate this list of courses in PDF and XLS formats (Reports).
- Security: ensure the data access with a user/password credential
- Every request must be registered in a table called REGISTRY, to know when and whom we certificated what.
I actually found this more entintaireng than James Joyce.