JPA: persistence model

In this post we will create a persistence model for our little employee management application. Based on an earlier post where we created a basic JDeveloper Web application.

Over the project with contextual menu, New > EJB > Entities From Tables. We will use the EJB 3.0 technology, annotating entity beans as JPA 2.0:

Creating persistence model

Select Departaments and Employees tables.

As seen in an earlier post, we can obtain the ER diagram from a made data base. I created it in the package lebrijo.diagrams:

Entity-RelationShip diagram

We can create a New > EJB Diagram, and drag-drop the created entities, we have the whole draw:

EJB diagram

I refactored the employees attribute by manager, because it defines the relationship better.

Refactoring manage relation

This is refreshed automatically to the EJB diagram (theory, in practice I have to drag the entities again).

As last exercise, we can create the ‘find by name’ query, in the query annotation at Employees entity:

@NamedQuery(name = "Employees.findAll", query = "select o from Employees o")
@NamedQuery(name = "Employees.findByName", query = "select o from Employees o where o.firstName like :p_name")

Securing Weblogic with SQLAuthenticator provider

In a previous article we saw how to secure a Web Service with basic authentication (this could be used for every page in our application). We did it creating users with Weblogic Default Authenticator.

Today we will create an SQLAuthenticator in Weblogic, then the server will take users and groups from the data base.

Continue reading Securing Weblogic with SQLAuthenticator provider

Weblogic securizado con el proveedor SQLAuthenticator

En un artículo anterior vimos como asegurar un Web Service con autenticación básica (esto podría servir para cualquier página en nuestra aplicación). Esto lo hacíamos creando usuarios en el DefaultAuthenticator de Weblogic (user).

Hoy vamos a crear un SQLAuthenticator en Weblogic, de forma que tome esos usuarios y grupos de la base de datos.

Continue reading Weblogic securizado con el proveedor SQLAuthenticator