I am collaborating with Tealeaf Academy writting in their blog, and my first post was about how to create a Development environment in Ubuntu:
How to Install Ruby on Rails on Ubuntu Linux
I am collaborating with Tealeaf Academy writting in their blog, and my first post was about how to create a Development environment in Ubuntu:
Os voy a relatar el problemilla que encontré instalando Compiz sobre Ubuntu en mi portátil.
Hay tarjetas gráficas que están en la Lista Negra de compiz por no estar los suficientemente testeadas ó no obedecer a estándares, sobre los que poder asegurar un correcto funcionamiento del software.
Continue reading Usar compiz-fusion en ubuntu: tarjeta gráfica en lista negra
I am going to talk about a little problem that I found installing Compiz over Ubuntu in my laptop.
There are graphic cards in a Compiz Blacklist, because of they did not enough tested, or did not use standards, with Compiz can grant a good software performance.
Continue reading Compiz-fusion with Ubuntu: My Graphic Card in the Blacklist