Tag Archives: weblogic

ADF Business components: creando una aplicación Fusion (FMW) base

Después del rodeo inicial que me he marcado, intentando cubrir la capa de negocio con Spring/Eclipse y luego con EJB 3. Si queremos desarrollar con el framework de Oracle ADF, nuestra mejor opción es ADFbc (business components). La razón es simple, está mucho mejor integrada con las capas superiores (Data Controls y Vistas) que EJB, ya que es la solución de referencia de la casa (Oracle).

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ADF Business components: creating a basic Fusion webapp (FMW)

After explore diferent ways, trying to cover the business layer with Spring/Eclipse and after that with EJB 3. If you want to develop with Oracle ADF framework, our best choice is ADFbc (business components). The reason, simple, it is better integrated with top layers (data controls and view) than EJB, this is the reference solution of the company (Oracle).

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Creating a basic JSF View: Hello World!!

In a previous project we saw how to create a Weblogic basic web project. Based on this we will create a very basic view with JSF.

JSF has some advantages:

  • Clean Cross browsing: we can forget styles and javascript, and navigator sigularities.
  • Encapsulates the view components
  • It is XML, then is text, then is always editable.
  • Standards based = XHTML + JavaScript + JSP + Java (JEE5+)
  • Some libraries (oracle-ADF, richfaces, icefaces) allow Rich Inernet Applications development.

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