Tag Archives: arquitechture

Oracle Java Enterprise Architecture

This post comes from the last, which treats my generic definition for a Web Applications Development Architecture.

Taking basis in Oracle documentation, investing on internet, and searching the most realistic situation for an enterprise environment, I purpose the following architecture WebLogic based:

Oracle Architecture

The figure shows the generic architecture against Oracle’s one:

  • JSF: MVC on presentation layer, wanting to avoid javascript and crossbrowsing.
  • JAX-WS: the standard to make Web Services
  • Jasper: tool to make reports in many formats (PDF,XSL,DOC,..) and from many data sources (SQL, XML, XLS,….)
  • Spring: creating service layer, and using Dependecy Injection in the other layers.
  • EclipseLink: JPA implementation.
  • Weblogic: JEEreference server for Oracle (at the moment).
  • Java 6: advantages of 6 version of Java language.
  • Eclipse OEPE: Eclipse Oracle distro, with its best tools for this IDE.

Definiendo la arquitectura de las aplicaciones web

Después de largo tiempo sin escribir, y más tiempo aún siendo un poco inconstante, le he dado un pequeño lavado de cara al blog, y sobre todo a mis objetivos profesionales.

En sucesivos artículos voy a tratar de definir una arquitectura de desarrollo de aplicaciones web empresarial (grandes volúmenes de datos, desarrolladores heterogéneos, grandes servidores, grid,…), y una arquitectura start-up (bajos costes, desarrollo rápido y ágil, escalable, …).

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Defining the web applications architecture

After long time without posts, and huge not very regular, I have wash up the blog, and mainly to my profesional objectives.

In the following posts I will try to define a enterprise web applications architecture development (big data volume, mixed developers, big servers, grid,…) and an enterpreur architecture (low cost, agile development and fast, escalable,…).

Continue reading Defining the web applications architecture